Rabies Testing
Biobest rabies serology testing service is the quickest and most cost effective available. The test is approved for the Pet Travel Scheme.Downloads
Complete Veterinary Care have teamed up with one of the leading rabies test laboratories in the UK to offer your practice a quick and easy service.
We use the DEFRA approved Biobest Laboratory for rabies serology testing in Europe (for PETS, the Pet Travel Scheme).
Biobest have highly skilled operators who are able to get results from over 99.9% of the samples they receive. This benefits your customer as it reduces the chance of having to take a repeat sample which could result in increased costs to the owner, delays in receiving the results and further stress for the animal.
We provide your practice with the administration service which means that we keep copies of all the test results for future enquires, we email you the results the day we receive them from Biobest and post out the originals to your practice.
Bloods should generally be taken 14-28 days post vaccination to ensure the highest titre but this may depend on the vaccine supplier. Please check the manufacturer's recommendations.
1ml serum or 3ml whole blood is required for testing.
From the day that you send in your blood sample we check that the sample is of a good quality and will spin the blood to serum if necessary. We would always recommend that you send serum rather than blood to minimise haemolisation. The sample is then sent to Biobest for testing.
If you would rather send your sample directly to Biobest, you will need to make sure that you contact CVC for a reference number, which needs to be placed on the submission form. Without this, you may incur extra charges. The Biobest address is Biobest Laboratories Ltd, 6 Charles Darwin House, The Edinburgh Technopole, Milton Bridge, Penicuik, EH26 0PY.
The results are normally reported back to your practice within 10 working days of CVC receiving the sample. There is also an express service available at an extra cost, which will send results within 4 working days.